Arlozorov Forum: Employment deficits not expected to recover in the foreseeable future

Apr 24, 2022

A new study from Arlozorov Forum, “The Labor Market at the End of the Coronavirus Crisis”, finds that in several industries in the labour market in Israel, most of which are in the intermediate range of wages, employment is not expected to recover in the foreseeable future.

According to the report, approximately 95,000 employees are absent from the labour market.

Until the precarious economic situation can be understood, the Government must be careful to declare that the economic crisis is behind us.

According to the most recent data (January 2022), the economy is still missing between 114,000 and 118,000 jobs compared to the pre-covid trend forecast.

The expanding wage gaps of the last decade have increased due to the coronavirus. This includes an increase of 3% in the wage gap between high-wage and low-wage industries due to the coronavirus.

(Full report below in Hebrew)