On the national level, the Histadrut has four national institutions:
The General Convention- the supreme elected institution of Histadrut, with 2001 delegates elected according to political party or faction. The convention sets the goals of Histadrut and elects the House of Representatives.
House of Representatives- has 171 delegates elected every five years, has the authority to decide on every aspect of Histadrut actions and roles, as well as to change the organization’s constitution.
The Histadrut Leadership- is the main decision-making organ and is responsible for the day-to-day conduct of the organization. The Leadership is composed of not less than 13 members and not more than 45, appointed by the Histadrut chairman and approved by the House of Representatives.
The Histadrut Chairman- formerly the Secretary-General, is elected every five years in national direct elections by all Histadrut members allegeable to vote.

The Histadrut Divisions advocate for the working people of Israel, develop economic policy, and empower affiliated unions.
- Organizing and Regional Labor Councils Division
- Economic Policy Division
- Organizing Division
- Government Relations Division
- Trade Union Division
- Campaigns, Comms and Advertising
- International Relations
- Industrial Democracy and Employment Agencies
- Pension, Insurance, and Capital Market Division
- Equality Promotion
- Social Welfare
- Sports Division
- Personnel Commission
- Training and Education
- Consumer Authority
- Periphery and the Third Sector
- Employment Assistance
- Haredi Employment
- Heritage Promotion
- Internal Auditor
- Legal Advisor
- Judicial Authority
- Self-Employed Forum
- Arlozorov Forum
The twenty seven unions that make up the Histadrut include almost 800,000 working people. Our members come from every walk of life and include service, production, and private workers. The workers include Israeli, Palestinian, and migrants, and they are the foundations that build Israel, strengthen its economy, and ensure that development, innovation, and progress are never-ending.
- Transport Union
- The Pensioners' Union
- Food and Pharma Workers Union
- Building and Wood Workers' Union
- Industrial Workers
- Union of Hotels, Hospitality
- IDF Civil Servants Workers' Union
- Practical Engineers' Union
- Working and Learning Youth Union
- Union of Academics in Social Sciences & Humanities
- Israel Nurses Union
- Lawyers' Union
- Health Professions Union
- Union of Social Workers
- Union of Radiologists
- Union of Naval Officers
- Union of Microbiologists, Biochemists & Laboratory Workers
- Union of Pharmacists
- Research Staff Union
- Union of Cellular, Internet and High-Tech
- Security, Cleaning and Nursing
- Religious Councils and Religious Services
- Na'amat
The twenty-nine Histadrut Regional Districts spearhead the Histadruts’ engagement with the members of the Federation, its affiliates, and workers committees in local industries. Throughout Israel, the Regional Districts carry out all of Histadrut’s activities, including organizing, addressing individual and collective problems of workers in their workplace, strikes, collective bargaining, and improving working conditions of organized labour.
“Our role is to improve the working conditions of the workers in Israel. From minimum wage would never increase if it wasn’t for the Histadrut. Additionally, we give services to the workers like education, and leisure activities. The Histadrut believes today that our role is to serve our members all the services they need for their jobs, but believe that when the worker ends his daily job ha can enjoy a decent pension.” Avi Yehezkel, Deputy Chairman of the Histadrut, and Chairman of the Organization and Districts Division.