Pinkas Adom – The Red Book a documentary on the Histadrut

Jan 04, 2021

“The Red Book” is the result of the collaboration of Channel 8, which initiated the film’s production, together with the Histadrut that supported it through the Lavon Institute and other organizational resources.
Following the COVID-19 crisis and the cancellation of most of the events of the Histadrut’s centenary, the Histadrut invested in an ambitious documentary project to which the best professionals in the country in the field of documentary joined work.
The Histadrut refrained from any intervention in the production material and was not a partner in choosing the film’s topics. Yariv Mozer, an experienced and acclaimed Israeli director, was given complete creative and artistic freedom. He was given unlimited access to the extensive archives of the Lavon Institute, and his production team was permitted to act freely with Histadrut members now and in the past, as part of the research they conducted in favor of the film. With personal exposure, the participants touch on painful memories and charged controversies that occupy our society to this day: the roots of ethnic divisions, issues of gender equality, social and state relations, and the various approaches to the Histadrut’s role and place in the economy. The result is a fascinating work that folds in 75 minutes a hundred-year-old story – the story of us all. The film runs along with the charged tension between the complex role that the Histadrut has taken on, the criticism of some of its actions, and the tremendous impact it has, even today, on the design of Israeli society.