
Avital Shapira addressed the 5th ITUC Congress
Histadrut calls on the ITUC affiliates to join efforts to expand the workers' knowledge, guarantee the workers' rights, and advance the path to peace through ...Read more

“Who will replace you when…” the Histadrut in a new campaign to increase awareness of the fight against violence against women and to make Naamat’s hotline accessible (9201*)
The campaign will be broadcasted starting this evening on television channels and social networks in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Amharic and English.

Confronting violence: Inspectors from Metropoline Ltd. will carry body cameras throughout their bus trips
The Histadrut and Metropoline Ltd have signed a special precedent-setting collective agreement intended to protect bus inspectors and drivers and create deterrence *** If a ...Read more

Histadrut chairman: “If no steps are taken to eradicate violence against public servants – I will declare a labor dispute in the entire public sector.”
Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David said this following increasing violence against workers and public servants. Bar-David called on state authorities and law enforcement to act vigorously ...Read more

62% of public workers admit to being affected by violence at work in the past year
The Histadrut recently conducted a comprehensive survey among 800 women and men employed in providing services and constitutes a representative sample of this population in ...Read more