Women Empowerment

Pink Pledge Initiative to Promote Breast Cancer Awareness
The Histadrut will promote on-site breast examinations as an additional clause in new collective agreements

Breaking Barriers: Women empowering women for greater success
Orna Avidan's Inspiring Message: unleashing potential through women's encouragement and support

International Women’s Day celebrating achievements striving for gender equality
Histadrut has been instrumental in pushing for legislative and policy changes to address discrimination

“Who will replace you when…” the Histadrut in a new campaign to increase awareness of the fight against violence against women and to make Naamat’s hotline accessible (9201*)
The campaign will be broadcasted starting this evening on television channels and social networks in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Amharic and English.

Unions and Businesses join hands to raise awareness for breast cancer
When we raise our voices together, we help spread the word about the importance of breast cancer

Histadrut brings Israeli and Palestinian businesswomen together to build bridges and talk business.
Over the weekend, women from both sides of the border met at the Beit Berl Academic College and discussed the promotion of business collaborations between ...Read more

Na’amat: Legal duty of companies to review the gender wage gap will lead to workers’ demand for equality
Na'amat welcomes the realization of the amendment to the law that requires companies in the economy to present a gender wage report.

Na’amat Center for Gender Equality “Meshanot” Unveiled in Jerusalem
Today (26.4.2022), Na’amat, the Histadrut women’s movement, inaugurated the Na’amat Center for Gender Equality, “Meshanot” in Jerusalem. The center, managed by Na’amat’s chairman in the ...Read more