International Relations

Leaders of the Georgian Trade Union Confederation Show Solidarity with the Histadrut and Israeli People
The GTUC President and leaders of the Union Confederation arrived in Israel for a solidarity visit. During their visit last week, they learned about Histadrut’s ...Read more

10 Weeks into the War: Unravelling the Impact of the Conflict on Economy and Society
A comprehensive review of the effects of the war on the Israeli nation and workforce, and the Histadrut's actions to elevate our nation.

An address to the Histadrut’s International Counterparts on the War Against Hamas and the Way Forward
Avital Shapira, the Director of International Relations, address the situation in Israel, Hamas terror, and the Histadrut position on our way forward.

Workplace Democracy – Histadrut Delegation Visits Germany to Learn About Employee Participation in Decision-Making in the Workplace
A group of chairpersons of workers' committees, and Histadrut workers learned about the German model of co-determintation at the workplace.

“There Are No Good Jobs On A Dead Planet” – Histadrut representatives speak on the impact of climate change on labor relations and the future of work.
The Israeli workers' unions already understand that climate change should be addressed in policy. But there is not yet a consensus on how that should ...Read more

EURAG – European Federation of Older Persons, Holds Annual Conference in Israel
The organization's annual conference in Israel focused on the challenges and impacts of financial, economic, and cultural changes on the living conditions of senior ...Read more

Histadrut-DGB Youth Delegation: A Journey of Political Engagement and Social Change Unveiling Germany’s Society Through an Israeli Perspective
Keren Wedel: Israelis can gain valuable insights from the spirit of activism in Germany. There is a sense of purpose through unionization.

In celebration of its 103 Years of Global Advocacy for Workers’ Rights, we take a look at the Histadrut’s Ongoing Partnership and Achievements with the IUF
As the IUF celebrates its 103rd year, the Histadrut is looking forward for a continued and robust partnership.

Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar David Concludes Historic Visit to United States
Vice President Harris to Bar-David: Thank you for what you are doing for Israel.

Bridging Borders: Israeli social workers engage in unprecedented dialogue with Ugandan counterparts
Hermoni: Our job is to add justice to the world