
Pink Pledge Initiative to Promote Breast Cancer Awareness
The Histadrut will promote on-site breast examinations as an additional clause in new collective agreements

10 Weeks into the War: Unravelling the Impact of the Conflict on Economy and Society
A comprehensive review of the effects of the war on the Israeli nation and workforce, and the Histadrut's actions to elevate our nation.

International Women’s Day celebrating achievements striving for gender equality
Histadrut has been instrumental in pushing for legislative and policy changes to address discrimination

Annual labor conference concludes with call for dialogue, collaboration and innovation
Trade Unionists, Government and Business convene in Eilat for the future of labor in Israel

Hagit Pe’er: A minority of women at the decision-making table encourages exclusion, discrimination and racism
In Netanyahu‘s government women are underrepresented.

Na’amat: Legal duty of companies to review the gender wage gap will lead to workers’ demand for equality
Na'amat welcomes the realization of the amendment to the law that requires companies in the economy to present a gender wage report.

Histadrut To Conduct Largest Ever Digital National Elections In Israel
601,000 eligible voters, including workers and retirees, will be able to exercise their right and vote secretly at one of the 2,031 polling stations set ...Read more

Na’amat Center for Gender Equality “Meshanot” Unveiled in Jerusalem
Today (26.4.2022), Na’amat, the Histadrut women’s movement, inaugurated the Na’amat Center for Gender Equality, “Meshanot” in Jerusalem. The center, managed by Na’amat’s chairman in the ...Read more