Labour Dispute

Histadrut Declares Labor Dispute Over Unilateral Move to Abandon Hundreds of Informal Education Workers
A move to privatize local after-school education programs in Holon seeks to infringe on an existing collective agreement unilaterally.

A Labor Dispute, Only Six Months After Collective Agreement
Following unilateral reductions in education support workers' salaries and a bad-faith abuse of the non-absence incentive agreed on in August.

Announcement: Labor Dispute at Eilat Port
Organizational measures will remind the management that human capital is the engine for growth and the key to the port company’s success.

Social workers declare a labor dispute after government announcement of privatization
Outsourcing suitability assesment for the treatment of violent men will harm the social service.

Histadrut Jurist Union warns of labor dispute due to planned government reforms
Jurist Union raise concerns over impact of judicial reform on workers

Government Employees Union declare labor dispute following destructive coalition agreement
Ofir Alcalay outlines how workers have been excluded from the impacts of the coalition agreements on their livelihoods

Labor dispute at Osem sites throughout Israel
For the past six months, negotiations have been taking place for a general collective agreement at Osem to regulate the terms of employment and workers’ ...Read more

A special collective agreement for the employees of Kamada
Under the agreement, employees of the biopharmaceutical company will benefit from salary increases, perseverance grants, and increased participation of the company in vacations and the ...Read more

The Histadrut declared a labor dispute at a Teva factory in Kfar Saba
Among the reasons for the conflict, which will apply to about 1,200 workers: “Changes in work arrangements without the participation of the workers’ committee, violation ...Read more

Histadrut chairman: “If no steps are taken to eradicate violence against public servants – I will declare a labor dispute in the entire public sector.”
Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David said this following increasing violence against workers and public servants. Bar-David called on state authorities and law enforcement to act vigorously ...Read more

Regional Labor Court: “Egged drivers have a basic right to work under minimum conditions of human dignity”
Judge Tamar Etzion Peltz called on the Ministry of Transportation to intervene in the issue of the lack of refreshment points and services at the ...Read more

The Histadrut has declared a labour dispute with the driving tester companies
The Transportation Workers Union, of the Histadrut declared a labor dispute with the driving tester companies Taldor-One and Milagam. The dispute was declared today (24, ...Read more