
ITUC General Secretary Luc Triangle on a solidarity visit with the workers of Israel.
He saw firsthand the atrocities of October 7, humanitarian aid being transferred to the Gaza Strip, and met with workers from affected communities

“Drafted for You” – Protecting Reservists’ Rights at the Workplace
By law, reservists in Israel are protected from sanctions at their workplaces due to mandatory participation in reserve duty. However, in the past couple of ...Read more

An address to the Histadrut’s International Counterparts on the War Against Hamas and the Way Forward
Avital Shapira, the Director of International Relations, address the situation in Israel, Hamas terror, and the Histadrut position on our way forward.

Emergency Hotlines and Guest Rooms for People Fleeing Their Homes- The Histadrut Stands in Solidarity with Southern Residents During Crisis
To respond to the profound emotional toll of the conflict on all residents of Israel, the information center operates as an emergency hotline.

Yom Hashoah: A Time for Reflection, Action, and Solidarity
For the dead and the living, we must bear witness." - Elie Wiesel

Histadrut Chairman visits BTL factories amid layoffs
Histadrut to confront looming threat of factory closure.