Histadrut chairman: “The burden of the education system will not fall on the teachers’ assistants”

Jun 22, 2022

The chairman of the Histadrut, Arnon Bar-David, commented and harshly criticized the attempt by Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman with the backing of the Federation of Local Government in Israel, to operate the kindergartens through the teaching aides, during the Teachers Union strike. “The assistants and support staff are not the back yard of the education system but an important human and professional asset. The attempt to place the entire burden of the education system on the backs of the assistants will not succeed. I will not allow anyone to place the failure of the negotiations on the heads of the aides. I say clearly that in every school or kindergarten where a qualified teacher or kindergarten teacher is not present, the teachers’ assistants will not come to work. The aides will arrive at the summer holiday camp on July 1 as originally agreed.”

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