UCAPSE - Union of Clerical, Administrative and Public Service Employee

Workweek Shortened to 40 Hours
The Israeli employee will still work three hours more than the average of the OECD countries, which stands at 37 hours per week.

Histadrut Declares Labor Dispute Over Unilateral Move to Abandon Hundreds of Informal Education Workers
A move to privatize local after-school education programs in Holon seeks to infringe on an existing collective agreement unilaterally.

First Collective Agreement for an international branch of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation
It supports trade union partners worldwide in organizing processes, and collective agreements are an important tool for ensuring workers' rights.

A Labor Dispute, Only Six Months After Collective Agreement
Following unilateral reductions in education support workers' salaries and a bad-faith abuse of the non-absence incentive agreed on in August.

A Major Win for Wizo Daycare Center Managers in Groundbreaking Agreement
UCAPSE continues to pursue more attractive compensation for chilhood education sector amidst war.

Conference for workers’ committees in local authorities reinforces striking achievements in recent collective agreements.
"The kindergarten teachers' support agreement is the heart of my work and the culmination of my work for 35 years that I have been working ...Read more

The Histadrut to Represent 600 Footballers in an Urgent Hearing
Instead of setting a minimum wage that would be good for the players, a salary limit was set that places their salary at the minimum ...Read more

A New Dawn for Israel’s Early Educators: Over 55,000 Workers to Benefit from Historic Collective Agreement!
After lengthy negotiations, a reform in the salaries of kindergarten teachers' aids in the local authorities was signed today.

New Collective Agreement Signed for Bank Hapoalim Employees, Ensuring Job Security and Wage Increases
Mew agreement ensures improved employment conditions and heralds a 'rebirth' of labor relations.

Bank Hapoalim Employees Reach New Collective Agreement
"The close cooperation between the Histadrut and the workers' committee all along the way, emphasized again that the Histadrut is indeed the home of the ...Read more

UCAPSE Opposes Installation of Cameras in Kindergartens
In a letter to the Knesset committee, Gil Bar-Tal, said that the cameras would harm the privacy of the professional staff and children.

Gil Bar-Tal: We must allow everyone to integrate equally into the workforce so that everyone can fulfill themselves.
Histadrut brings inclusion to Rishon Lezion

Annual labor conference concludes with call for dialogue, collaboration and innovation
Trade Unionists, Government and Business convene in Eilat for the future of labor in Israel

UCAPSE to Prime Minister: Negotiate or meet us in court.
UCAPSE to PMO The employees are not objects that can be moved from place to place. There are alternative ways to operate the enforcement unit ...Read more

5000 education sector workers to receive an employment grant
Grants for secretaries, administrators, and accountants in schools

School staff protest uncompensated work
Women from all over the country protest working conditions

Collective Bargaining Agreement Signed at Ernst & Young Israel
The Agreement, which will apply to approximately 1,600 Ernst & Young employees – the largest consulting and accounting firm in Israel – includes a variety ...Read more

Bar-David: Special reform for teachers aides in 2023
Far-reaching reform regarding the salary and working conditions of the aides, which will lead to a fundamental change in the perception of the profession

Chairman of the Histadrut demands PM intervention to save the daycare industry from collapse
Time to save daycare education

Histadrut chairman: “The burden of the education system will not fall on the teachers’ assistants”
The chairman of the Histadrut, Arnon Bar-David, commented and harshly criticized the attempt by Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman with the backing of the Federation of ...Read more

Thousands of teachers’ assistants in schools and kindergartens to receive NIS 1500 grants for new school year
Agreements between the Histadrut, the Ministry of Finance, the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel, and the three major cities also include pedagogical, educational, medical, ...Read more

Wage Supplements and Grants: A Collective Agreement for Menora Mivtachim Insurance Company Employees
The agreement, which applies to approximately 1,400 employees, will be valid until 2024.

After Years of Stagnation: New Collective Agreement Signed For Fire and Rescue Workers
The agreement centers on a salary model tailored to firefighters who will move to key operational positions at the Fire Authority's Headquarters and a grant ...Read more

Special Collective Agreement for Magen David Adom Employees
After extensive negotiations, UCAPSE signed a special collective agreement for Magen David Adom employees. The agreement will apply to about 2,800 employees and includes, among ...Read more