Na’amat: Legal duty of companies to review the gender wage gap will lead to workers’ demand for equality

Jun 01, 2022

Hagit Peer, Chairwoman of Na’amat commented today on legislation amendment requiring companies to present a gender wage gap report: “We welcome the entry into force of the amendment to the law that requires companies in the economy to present a gender wage report. Today is an important day for the struggle to reduce wage disparities. It is clear that this is a long-term process; when in the first stage, many companies will make an effort to paint a picture as pink as possible, and we do not doubt that the picture will be far from reality. But we believe that considering the wage gap each year will also bring introspection and an actual internal examination. There is no doubt that the legal duty to examine themselves will raise the awareness of the employing companies and, at the same time, arouse the workers to demand equality. Na’amat’s demand for equality is why we initiated the gender equality badge for gender fairness which provides a tool for measuring and analyzing the degree of gender fairness in companies. There is no doubt that today a significant step has been taken to reduce the gender gaps in the labor market and society in general.”

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