Thousands of teachers’ assistants in schools and kindergartens to receive NIS 1500 grants for new school year
Agreements between the Histadrut, the Ministry of Finance, the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel, and the three major cities also include pedagogical, educational, medical, and tutoring assistants for individual students. Assistants employed at the summer camps in July will receive a salary increase of NIS 75 per working day. An assistant who replaces a teacher will be entitled to NIS 200 in addition to their salary. Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David: “Great news for teachers’ assistants towards comprehensive reform in the industry.”
Good news for about 50,000 teacher assistants in schools and kindergartens: the Ministry of Finance, the New Histadrut, the UCAPSE, the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel, and the most prominent cities have reached agreements according to which each teacher’s assistant will receive a NIS 1,500 grant for the new school year.
This is in recognition of the assistants’ efforts and their importance as educators and to assist in their preservation in the education system. The grant, to be paid on October 1, will also be given to pedagogical, educational assistants, and personal medical assistants who will receive the grant for the first time in history, tutoring for individual students and tutoring for individual students in home settings.
The agreement was made possible after Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David instructed to allocate a special budget from the November 2021 package deal. In addition, assistants employed at the camps during July will receive a salary increase of NIS 75 per working day.
An assistant who replaces a teacher will be entitled to NIS 200 for every substitution day. These moves are an opening for a comprehensive and unprecedented reform in the salaries of teaching assistants, which will be launched in 2023 and will improve the conditions of their wages, status, and rights.
Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman: “Education is our top priority, so we are making more and more decisions to improve the quality of the staff who care for and educate our children. We will continue to promote significant reforms in the wage structures of the workers in the Israeli economy to raise higher-quality human capital that affects the future of us all. “
Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David: “Kindergarten assistants do sacred work in educating our children, under challenging conditions of human resources shortage and an increasing burden on their shoulders. The agreement is good news for teacher aides. It raises their great contribution to the education system in preparation for a comprehensive reform that will significantly improve their conditions and status. We will continue to work for all the workers in the economy. “
Chairman of Federation of Local Authorities in Israel, Haim Bibabs: “The Federation will continue to work to improve the wage conditions and employment of all the teacher assistants while demanding comprehensive reform on the issue. The Education of our children, and the main role that the aides play, is the most important issue. It is our future and our security, so for us, it is first and foremost.”
The Commissioner for Wages and Employment Agreements, Kobi Bar-Natan: “The agreements with the Histadrut and the Federation of Local Authorities will help us maintain the permanent teacher assistants and recruit excellent assistants for the benefit of the summer camps. This deal is another step to improve the education system in Israel.”
Chairman of the UCAPSE, Adv. Gil Bar-Tal: “Out of recognition of the status and importance of aides in the Israeli education system, the increasing tasks, workload, and responsibilities, the UCAPSE has made the treatment of the conditions of employment of aids a priority. This agreement is part of a comprehensive reform of the assistants’ salaries to raise the importance of the role and turn it into a profession. “