Chairman Arnon Bar-David stated: “We live in a state governed by law and we respect the court’s decision.

Sep 02, 2024

Following the decision of the Labor Court in Tel Aviv, Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David stated: “We live in a state governed by law and we respect the court’s decision. Therefore, I am instructing everyone to return to work at 14:30. I must emphasize that the solidarity strike was a significant move, and I stand by it. Despite attempts to paint this act of solidarity in political colors, hundreds of thousands of citizens voted with their feet. I want to thank each and every one of you – the workers, the unions, the regional workers councils, the public sector, and the private sector. We have proven that the fate of the hostages is neither right-wing nor left-wing; it is a matter of life or death, and we will not allow lives to be abandoned. All my life, I have been a soldier for the State of Israel, and I will continue to fight for our shared values – Jewish values of mutual responsibility and the redemption of captives. These values are greater than any party or politics – they are the glue that holds the people of Israel together. I promise the families of the hostages that the Histadrut will continue to play a leading and central role in the efforts to bring our sons and daughters home.”

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