Central Negev District

Histadrut Secures Groundbreaking Collective Agreement for Rotem OPC Power Plant Workers
The Histadrut continues to work towards better working conditions, even in these difficult times.

Workers of Economic Company for Development of Netivot Join the Histadrut
Seeking improved employment conditions and job security, 450 employees have completed the unionization process, marking a significant move for the municipality's economic arm.

Histadrut and DGB remember the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics
A delegation of representatives of the Histadrut and DGB participated (Monday) in the official memorial marking 50 years since the massacre of eleven Israeli athletes ...Read more

A special collective agreement for the employees of Kamada
Under the agreement, employees of the biopharmaceutical company will benefit from salary increases, perseverance grants, and increased participation of the company in vacations and the ...Read more

A special collective agreement for Tara workers at the Netivot factory
380 employees to recieve annual salary increases and increases in the company's participation in the employees' vacation costs

Histadrut brings culture to Dimona
Histadrut makes cultural performances accessible to the residents of the periphery at subsidized prices.

Histadrut signs collective agreement for workers of the renewable energy power station at Ashalim
Second renewable energy power station unionized in the Hisradrut