New Year’s Resolutions for Employees in Israel
This month, Jewish people worldwide celebrated the Jewish New Year – Rosh Hashana, and Yom Kippur – a day dedicated to reflecting on the past year and seeking repentance. Just before we head to celebrate the October holidays, we bring to you 10 New Year’s resolutions (collective agreements) that the Histadrut achieved since Rosh Hashana:

- An amendment to Bezeq’s collective agreement reassuring workers’ pay and work conditions, and the sustainability of employment under the expected transition of company control.
Collective agreements, as well as the accepted practices in the company today, will be fully preserved, both in relation to the employees and in relation to the current and future retirees. This amendment impacts 5,000 employees and will be in effect until 2025. However, the clauses of the agreement will be applied in full even if a change in the company’s control takes place after these dates. Additional parts to the amendment include a respectable financial grant and an increase in monthly retirement compensation. It was also agreed that if the company stays without a core of control, employees will be able to appoint an additional representative to the company’s board.
2. A first collective agreement for the employees of the Water Authority
The 150 Water Authorities employees responsible for the allocation of water resources in Israel will benefit from a financial grant of about 9,000 ILS paid in two instalments and a reward system for meeting KPIs. The agreement will remain in effect until 2026.
3. A new collective agreement for 6,000 employees of Meuhedet health services.
As part of it, the employees will benefit from collective wage increases and improvement of their employment conditions. The factory minimum wage has increased to NIS 6,200, to which, new sector-based wage components will be added. The agreement will be valid until the end of 2027.
4. A new collective agreement for 200 drivers employed by Bon Tour.
The collective agreement, valid for two and a half years, anchors a series of new agreements that improve workers’ rights. Updates of wage components include a retroactive increase of about 5.5% in the salary of the drivers, increase to the pension component, and an increase of 33% in rates of meal allowances and compensation for nights spent away from home.
5. A new collective agreement for 150 employees of Reut Hospital in Tel Aviv.
It is applied to allied health professionals in areas such as rehabilitation, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nutrition and more. The new salary structure agreed on will lead to a salary increase of thousands of shekels on average per employee. This includes incentive-based salary components. The agreement will be in effect until 2027.
6. A new collective agreement for the workers of the Israel Airports’ Authority regulating the hiring of new workers and updating compensations and working conditions.
As part of the agreement, operational units will hire more employees and a series of updates to the terms of employment will be implemented. This includes an increase in the employer’s contribution to pension provisions, and in the compensation component for additional work, significant wage increases for low-wage workers, and wage increases for workers of professions.
The agreement, which will be valid until the end of 2027, regulates the implementation of new projects and the introduction of various technological systems, that aim to improve the service provided to the public. For example, in establishing operations of a fifth arm in Terminal 3 in Israel.
7. A new collective agreement for 65 employees of Cinematheque Tel Aviv.
The agreement will be valid until the end of 2026. As part of the agreement, full-time weekly hours are reduced and employees will receive a retroactive wage increase from their January 2023 salary, clothing allowances and meals allowances.
8. A new collective agreement for workers of Brinks Israel – a company that provides security, transportation, and advanced technology services.
It will apply to dozens of the company’s cash center division employees which are engaged in providing secure logistics solutions. The agreement is valid until the end of 2025. As part of the agreement, the initial base salary per employee will be increased to 7,500 ILS, which on average makes it an increase of 1,500 ILS per employee; an ongoing fixed yearly percentage increase to the basic salary of 3%; an addition of NIS 250 to the basic salary and a grant payment of NIS 3,000; dental insurance for the department’s employees and the pay of sick leave, from the first day for employees with seniority.
9. A new collective agreement for employees of Hot-Mobile.
The main points of agreement include a salary increase of over 9% for the years 2023-2025 for employees with 18+ months of seniority; a 7.5% increase in provisions for the continuing education fund will be increased; an annual grant of between 1,050 ILS and 9,000 ILS according to seniority, in each of the three years of the agreement. The agreement also includes the update of company subsidized vehicles for employees with three or four children; dental insurance financed by the company from the first day of work; and up to 4,000 ILS to purchase company devices and accessories.
10. Additionally, an extension order signed just before Rosh Hashana increases convalescence allowance in the private sector which will benefit 3,000,000 employees.
We know it is cheeky to finish with an resolutions from the last year, but it was also agreed on this September, and it’s widespread impact makes it noteworthy in this list. In a major victory for workers, Labor Minister Yoav Ben-Tzur has signed an extension order to increase the convalescence allowance by more than 10% in the private sector. It came after years of freezing and erosion. It was made possible thanks to cooperation and agreements signed earlier this year between the Histadrut and the Presidium of Israel Business Organizations.
Happy Jewish New Year, to all he workers in Israel and abroad, and to all our allies.