New extension order was signed following a collective agreement covering the monitoring & patrol services

Aug 29, 2022

Important news for security monitoring & patrol services employees: Minister Orna Barbivay signed an extension order covering security monitoring & patrol services today *** Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David: “This day brings good news to thousands of workers all over the country. For the first time, these dedicated employees who work unusual shifts will receive proper salary conditions and their rights will be firmly anchored, together with their job security” *** Minister of Economics and Industry Orna Barbivay: “This agreement will provide the security monitoring & patrol workers with a suitable salary and additional social benefits, to the improvement of the citizens’ security” 

Minister of Economics and Industry Orna Barbivay today (Monday) signed an extension order covering security monitoring & patrol services. The security monitoring & patrol sector includes some 3,000 workers, mostly employed at security monitoring companies. The agreement aims to provide better salaries, professional training funds, and two special grants for the front-line security monitoring & patrol workers.

Main points in the agreement: Setting a sectoral salary higher than the national minimum and rising with seniority up to a level of 2.3% above the national minimum wage. A contribution to the professional training fund by the employer of 2.5%-7.5% of the salary for employees with seniority of two years or more. As the worker’s seniority increases, the contribution from the employer increases. In addition, a grant based on the percentage of full-time employment will be awarded, at the end of each quarter, to those employees who have worked a significant percentage; and there will be a quarterly grant for work excellence.

Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David: “This day brings good news to thousands of workers all over the country. For the first time, these dedicated employees who work unusual shifts will receive proper salary conditions, and their rights will be firmly anchored, together with their job security. The news we are bringing to thousands of families results from persistence and resolve on behalf of the worker. We thank the Minister of Economy and Industry Barbivay for this extension of the agreement. Cooperation between us over recent months has borne fruit; we have improved working conditions for hundreds of thousands of employees around the country. Our thanks to Yossi Barabi, Chairman of the Union, who worked day and night, and to all our partners in this important project. We will continue working on additional groundbreaking agreements.”

Minister of Economy and Industry, Orna Barbivay: “Security monitoring & patrol services are active 24/7, alongside the country’s security guards, providing safety and protection for the citizens of Israel, and it is our obligation to keep improving their working conditions. This agreement protects their rights, so I considered it my duty to sign, for the first time, an extension covering all the sector workers. Furthermore, this agreement will provide the security monitoring & patrol workers with suitable salaries and additional social benefits, thus strengthening the citizens’ security.”

Chairman of the Security, Cleaning, and Nursing Care Workers’ Union, Yossi Barabi: “This is important news for the thousands of men and women working in the security monitoring & patrol sector. For the first time, a groundbreaking extension order of the general collective agreement has been signed that significantly raises the sector’s salary and includes grants for percentage of full-time work, excellence, contributions to professional training, and holiday gifts.”

Working on the Histadrut’s behalf to achieve the agreement, the head of the legal bureau in the Professional Union Division, Adv. Hanna Schnitzer, and the Histadrut’s Vice President of Economics Adam Blumenberg.

The extension order was formulated and signed by recommendation of the Chief Labor Relations Officer at the Labor Division, Adv. Rivka Werbner.

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