No More Political Bickering, Says Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David

Jul 17, 2023

Arnon Bar-David, Chairman of the Histadrut labor federation, issued a statement today following the ongoing unrest due to the judicial upheaval. He called for an end to the ongoing political discord in Israel, specifically urging the Knesset party leaders to resume negotiations at the President’s house.

Bar-David emphasized his positive relationships with all party leaders, including the Prime Minister, who he intends to meet in the coming days. His goal is to promote unity and dialogue, aiming to stabilize the Israeli economy and society, desperately in need of peace and stability.

He challenged the Prime Minister to halt the political turmoil, pleading with him to publicly announce a slowdown of the legislation. Bar-David stressed that the current turbulence in the State of Israel is unsustainable and the constant bickering and divisions will lead the country nowhere.

Video statement

Addressing the opposition representatives, Bar-David questioned the abrupt halt of the talks at the President’s house. He urged the parties to return and continue the discussions to reach an understanding, emphasizing they were close to doing so when the talks broke down.

Bar-David stated that he has no plans to shut down the economy, rejecting the notion that the demise of “reasonableness” would harm the workers. He mentioned that since his appointment as the Histadrut chairman four and a half years ago, he has faced a constant stream of legislation against the Histadrut, but affirmed that attempts to enact laws against the federation have always been present.

He highlighted that the Histadrut’s political strength in recent years stems from its coalition that encompasses most Knesset parties. Bar-David celebrated the unity within the Histadrut, which transcends party lines, religion, race, and gender. He appealed to all to emulate the federation’s unity, innovative concepts, and responsibility.

Bar-David insisted on his impartiality, stating that he’s not a member of any party and hence cannot be accused of partisanship. He underscored his commitment to the State of Israel and its workers, explaining that his involvement in Israeli politics is due to his efforts to represent workers across all parties. He urged not to expect the Histadrut to solve every political disagreement by threatening to shut down the economy, emphasizing the absurdity of such an expectation.

In closing, Bar-David maintained optimism amidst the current chaos, expressing his belief that the current crisis can be resolved. He emphasized the importance of preserving the State of Israel and its workers, urging both the right and left to refrain from undermining the Zionist enterprise.

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