NTA Employees Elect Representatives to Board of Directors for the First Time
For the first time since its establishment, employees of the NTA – Metropolitan Mass Transit System elected representatives to serve on the company’s board of directors.
In the elections held last month, approximately two-thirds of all employees cast their votes. The names of the top candidates were forwarded to the Minister of Transportation and Road Safety, who is in charge of the company, and the Minister who is in charge of the Government Companies Authority. As is customary in the law, the ministers will choose two of the candidates, who will serve as members of the NTA board of directors.
The law allows for employees to have representation on the company’s board of directors, but this is the first time that it has happened at NTA. The election process was supported by the Director of the Department for the Management of Employees, Haim Zahavi, and Attorney Eitan Michael, Director of the Cooperation Division, from the Industrial Democracy Division of the Histadrut; Rami Rahfor, Chairman of the Trade Union Division in the Tel Aviv Region; Chairman of the NTA Workers’ Committee Uri Maor, and with the cooperation of the company’s management.

Tomer Reznik, Deputy Chairman of the Histadrut and Chairman of the Division for Industrial Democracy in the Histadrut, said: “Congratulations to the NTA employees who, for the first time, exercised their right to elect representatives to the company’s board of directors. The participation of employees in the management of the company is the right thing for the NTA, the right thing for the workers, and the right thing for Israeli society. I hope that employees in other companies – both governmental and private – will follow a similar path. I and the entire team of the division will provide all the necessary assistance in order to promote such moves. Especially in days when the discourse on democracy and its essence is intensifying, we must not leave democracy out of the economic field and out of the workplace.”