Histadrut joins international trade union effort to support Turkey following devastating earthquake

Chairman of the Histadrut, Arnon Bar-David, conveyed today (Sunday) the Histadrut’s deep shock and sadness at the awful news regarding the devastating earthquake in the Pazarcık District of Kahramanmaraş on February 6 and the catastrophic aftershock on February 7 in which thousands of people have lost their lives and have been injured.
In letters sent to leading Turkish trade unionists, Bar-David expressed condolences to all affected by the humanitarian tragedy.
Following the tragic humanitarian crisis, Bar-David instructed the Histadrut’s International Relations Division to join the international trade union movements’ efforts and donate US$10,000 to the ITUC-AP Solidarity Fund to help support the relief efforts of the Turkish Confederations affiliated with the ITUC-AP.
Furthermore, the Chairman of the Histadrut expressed his pride that Israel swiftly joined the international efforts and sent search, rescue, and emergency medical services to the assistance of the Turkish people in this tragic time.
Chairman of the Histadrut, Arnon Bar-David: “We pray and hope for the success of the rescue efforts of the emergency services that are diligently and heroically working lengthy shifts to try and rescue those people who are still trapped and save human lives.”
Bar-David concluded his message of solidarity “Our actions are based on human solidarity and the Talmudic principle “Whoever saves a life saves the world.”