Survey Reveals Israeli Consumers’ Commitment to Green Energy and Wise Consumption on World Consumer Day

Mar 15, 2023

World Consumer Day celebrated around the globe on March 15, is celebrated this year under the banner of green energy. In honor of this, the Histadrut Authority for Consumer Affairs conducted a special survey through the Geocartography Institute among 610 respondents, who constitute a representative sample of the population in the State of Israel. As part of the survey, among other things, the consumption habits of the Israeli consumer were examined from the perspectives of wise consumption, green consumption, and awareness of consumer rights.

About half of the respondents in the survey reported that the issues of protecting the environment and green energy occupy them on a daily basis. At least 75% of the respondents answered that they had changed their buying habits regarding environmental concerns to one degree or another. Almost 50% reported that they occasionally purchase second-hand household goods, and every third person in Israel goes shopping with reusable baskets. However, 49% of the participants in the survey reported that they would not change their habits following the lowering of the tax on disposable utensils.

At least 67% of the respondents purchase electrical products under the influence of their energy rating, and 44% of the respondents are not aware of the law on removing a large electrical product by the retailer – when purchasing a similar product, free of charge. The survey also examined how the home air conditioner is used: 19.3% of the respondents need to be made aware of the recommendations of the Electric Company regarding the correct use of the air conditioner, and 18.7% are aware of the suggestions but do not act on them.

The survey also examined perceptions and positions on other issues: approximately 62% of Israeli consumers consider themselves to be intelligent consumers. At least 63% of respondents often check their shopping reciepts. About 30% of respondents reported that they increased the use of consumer club benefits, compared to 18.5% last year.

It also shows that more than 70% of Israelis do not trust the government authorities to protect the rights they deserve as consumers. 49% reported that they are unaware of most of their consumer rights. About 57% of the respondents claim that the conduct of businesses in Israel towards consumers is unfair. 19.3% of respondents (almost every fifth consumer) reported in the survey that they had fallen victim to attempted fraud and theft of personal information.

CEO of the Histadrut Consumer Authority, attorney Yaron Levinson: “The majority of consumers in Israel believe that the conduct of businesses towards consumers is unfair, and when over 70% of consumers do not trust the government authorities. For these reasons, the Israeli consumer has no choice, especially during the period of the increasing cost of living, but to rely only on themselves. The way to do this more wisely is to spend more time comparing prices, find out cancellation policies before buying, buy replacement products, don’t be tempted by unnecessary purchases, beware of “sales”, and in conclusion – buy as intelligently as possible given.”

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