Workers' Rights

Foreign Workers’ Rights Hang in the Balance as Construction Industry Faces Crisis
The sudden loss of employment for thousands of foreign workers would have significant social and economic repercussions. Moreover, their legal status in the country will ...Read more

ITUC General Secretary Luc Triangle on a solidarity visit with the workers of Israel.
He saw firsthand the atrocities of October 7, humanitarian aid being transferred to the Gaza Strip, and met with workers from affected communities

Histadrut Declares Labor Dispute Over Unilateral Move to Abandon Hundreds of Informal Education Workers
A move to privatize local after-school education programs in Holon seeks to infringe on an existing collective agreement unilaterally.

On International Social Workers Day – Our Social Workers Brace for Yet Another Surge in Support Needs Amidst First Return to Southern Communities
when people feel that it is time to rebuild their life, this is when more people decide to seek help for dealing with trauma

A Labor Dispute, Only Six Months After Collective Agreement
Following unilateral reductions in education support workers' salaries and a bad-faith abuse of the non-absence incentive agreed on in August.

“Drafted for You” – Protecting Reservists’ Rights at the Workplace
By law, reservists in Israel are protected from sanctions at their workplaces due to mandatory participation in reserve duty. However, in the past couple of ...Read more

Histadrut Chairman Visits Ashkelon Hospital -Treating 800 Under Missile Attack.
He sought to understand the challenges faced by its residents and the ongoing efforts in responding to the crisis.

Another Update on the Challenges Faced By the Workers of Israel
Within a week, it seems like no one person in Israel is not mourning the death of a relative, neighbor or friend.

A First Update on the Unprecedented Challenges faced by workers in Israel.
Grief and uncertainty now loom large, affecting every corner of our nation. As we grapple with the logistical challenges and increased care demands, our Israeli ...Read more

The Histadrut to Represent 600 Footballers in an Urgent Hearing
Instead of setting a minimum wage that would be good for the players, a salary limit was set that places their salary at the minimum ...Read more

UCAPSE Opposes Installation of Cameras in Kindergartens
In a letter to the Knesset committee, Gil Bar-Tal, said that the cameras would harm the privacy of the professional staff and children.

The industrial democracy conference discusses avenues for employees’ representation in decision-making in Israeli companies.
The Histadrut and Bank Yahav are holding a conference on workers' representation and participation in the future world of work this weekend.

Director of the International Relations Division addresses the International Labour Conference in Geneva
Lerner: "General Strike is not an act of rebellion. It is a powerful symbol of workers' determination to fight for their rights when all avenues ...Read more

Ensuring fairness and rights: Palestinian workers’ paychecks go digital
Yitzhak Moyal, Chairman of the Construction and associated industries Union in a personal column about the welcome change that will apply to the construction, agriculture ...Read more

Workers’ Rights During an Emergency: Histadrut Issues Guidelines
Know your rights

Eid al-Fitr brings unity: Histadrut reaffirms support for Palestinian workers, seeks to expand vocational training initiatives
Reaffirming commitment to Muslim members, employment rights and collaborating with the PGFTU to expand vocational training opportunities across various sectors.

International support and cooperation result in successful training of Palestinian workers in Israeli hotels
The Histadrut-Hotel Workers Union, and Israel Hotel Association, under the auspices of the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers ...Read more

Opinion: For workers not to be slaves, we need organized labor
Opinion by Yitzhak Gordon, Chairman of the Jurists Union. Unionization, the right to strike, and trade unionism are moral and Jewish values, for fair emloyment ...Read more

Foreign Minister Cohen: “I will not give my hand to any law that would harm the workers and their rights.”
In an extraordinary address to the Histadrut leadership, Foreign Minister conveyed his support for organized labor

Video: Workers rights are human rights

Egged protest over poor and abusive working conditions
Drivers have long been warning that they have no place to refresh or rest at the end stations, let alone vacate the toilets. After the ...Read more

First-ever Workers Rights and Information Seminar for Palestinian Workers in the Hotel Sector in Israel
The Histadrut Hotels Union, the Histadrut’s International Relations Division, and the Israel Hotels Association held a seminar on workers’ rights and information for Palestinian workers ...Read more