Arnon Bar-David calls on the people of Israel to rally around President Herzog’s 5 point proposal
I call on all citizens of Israel to unite behind the President’s words,” said Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David following President Yitzhak Herzog‘s address to the country, due to the looming socio-political crisis, and following a meeting between the two that took place this evening (Sunday).
Bar-David also said: “The story of our life in this land that we wished for two thousand years was written with toil, pain and determination, but most of all – it was made possible thanks to our unity as a society. There are no winners or losers here. Let’s stop before the political divide breaks Israeli society apart.
“I met tonight with President Herzog, I placed myself and the Histadrut at the disposal of the Honorable President and we agreed on cooperation to handle the crisis,” said the chairman of the Histadrut and concluded: “I will do everything in my power to bring about dialogue between the parties for the sake of the integrity of his state and Israeli society. We have no other country.”