New Vocational Training for Palestinian Workers in the Construction Industry in Collaboration with BWI Global Union and Elektrikerna 

Adi Marcus
Aug 06, 2023

In a significant effort towards fostering better work conditions and enhancing professional capacities, the Histadrut’s Construction and Related Industries Workers Union facilitated a vocational training program for Palestinian construction workers employed in Israel over the weekend at a Dead Sea resort. 

Jointly facilitated in partnership with the BWI Global Union and generously supported by the Elektrikerna – Swedish Electricians’ Union, the vocational training initiative aimed to empower Palestinian workers with essential skills and knowledge, while also emphasizing their rights and safety in the workplace. 

Itzhak Moyal, Chairman of the Histadrut’s Construction and Related Industries Workers Union, addressed the participants of the training in a talk about importance of the new collective agreement within the sector, shedding light on the modern pension insurance provisions.  

The training program delved into detailed information sessions concerning employment rights in Israel. Expert lawyers, integral to the Histadrut’s Grievance Committee, presented vital insights into the legal framework surrounding this labor rights in Israel. Additionally, representatives from COGAT (Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories) shared invaluable guidance, enriching participants’ understanding of their rights and obligations within the Israeli labor landscape. Addressing the crucial aspect of work safety, attendees received comprehensive training in safety protocols, further reinforced by a warm greeting from a representative from the Israel Institute for OSH.

The meticulous planning and execution of this impactful initiative were spearheaded by Avital Shapira-Shabirow, the Director of International Relations of the Histadrut and International Secretary of the Construction and Related Industries Workers Union. Shapira-Shabirow has consistently championed and initiated numerous vocational training events aimed at equipping Palestinian workers with the necessary skills across a wide spectrum of sectors unionized by the Histadrut. 

The vocational training program exemplifies the Histadrut’s dedication to fostering a more inclusive and empowering work environment for all, transcending boundaries and promoting cooperation between workers’ unions on a global scale. The Histadrut is grateful for the partnership of the BWI Global Union and Elektrikerna – Swedish Electricians’ Union, in supporting our efforts in shaping a brighter future for Palestinian workers, promoting their rights, safety, and professional growth within the dynamic Israeli labor ecosystem. 

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