Workers receive payment for Gaza conflict
The Histadrut and the Presidium of Israel Business Organizations signed an agreement today that regulates the payment of wages to workers in a radius of up to 40 km from the Gaza Strip who were absent from their work following Operation “Breaking Dawn” – an IDF operation in the Gaza Strip that took place in August of this year.
Two weeks ago, a similar agreement was signed between the Histadrut and the Government of Israel for public sector employees. In accordance with the provisions of the property tax and compensation fund regulations, the salary payment will be given to employees who were absent from their workplace due to the instructions of the Home Front Command or because of the need to watch over their children due to the closure of the educational institutions, following the restrictions imposed. According to the agreement, the eligible employees will be paid a daily wage that would have been paid if they had worked normally. In turn, the employers will receive compensation from the Government in accordance with what is stated in the regulations.
Chairman of the Histadrut, Arnon Bar-David, said: “Similar to the agreements we formulated after previous operations, this time we also took care of the workers whose daily routine and work was affected by the “Breaking Dawn” operation. I thank all parties who were partners in creating the agreement. The Histadrut will continue to protect workers’ rights in routine and emergency situations.”
Chairman of the Presidium of Israel Business Organizations, Dubi Amitai, said: “The collective agreement is the complementary step to the regulations passed by the Israeli Government. I am happy that we succeeded in partnership and understanding in getting the state to recognize its responsibility for the fabric of labor relations and to verify the obligation of reimbursing employers for expenses incurred by them due to the security situation and the state’s decisions.”