2025 Plan Bolsters Support for Histadrut Members

Adi Marcus
Dec 10, 2024

Today, December 10th, the Histadrut leadership announced a significant increase in the 2025 budget to expand services for our members pursuing their rights and fighting the rising cost of living. The decision to strengthen the Histadrut services and support mechanisms comes as people continue to experience uncertainty due to the war and geopolitical changes in the region.

With a budget of over a billion shekels, which reflects a 5.5% increase compared to last year, the Histadrut will also be able to provide stability of services to its members amidst predictions of a rising need for collective bargaining and advocacy to protect workers’ rights.

Our services aimed at alleviating the burden of the rising cost of living also got a financial boost. Histadrut’s Social Market, which was first launched in 2024, will expand its product options offered to 450,000 of our members. Members will also see an increase and expansion of goods and services offered by Histadrut’s social, health, and education clubs.  

“This budget reflects our commitment to the well-being of our members,” said Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David. “We are determined to provide the support and resources they need to thrive in today’s challenging economic environment.”

Due to the challenging circumstances created by the war, some of the Histadrut’s affiliated organizations and funds have had their operations minimized in the last year. In 2025, the Histadrut will also increase support and collaboration with those to ensure that the needs these organizations were designed to provide are met. One important such cause is providing financial support to holocaust survivors and Histadrut members who fell into economic hardship through the Histadrut’s Mutual Aid Fund.

The strategy behind the 2025 operation plan also seeks to further invest in improving the technological infrastructure and communication platforms to advance the Histadrut ways of work and improve service accessibility to members. Additionally, emphasis will be placed on strengthening international relations, including investing in promoting Histadrut’s collaboration with global partners and promoting our interests on the global stage.

“The challenges faced by Israeli workers are part of a global trend of exploitation and inequality, be it the rise of the platform economy or the undervaluation of care work,” said the Director General of the International Relations Division of the Histadrut, Peter Lerner. “The global union movement must amplify our voices, advocate for our rights, and collectively shape a future of work that is just, equitable, and sustainable.”

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