Histadrut to join international trade union movement in Melbourne
After four years, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Congress will convene in Melbourne, Australia. The Congress is to be held against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian war in Ukraine, and the cost of living, inflation, and energy crises. The ITUC represents approximately 200 million members of 322 affiliated organizations, including the Histadrut, in 163 countries.
The key objectives of the ITUC include promoting trade union cooperation on global issues, such as relations with the International Labour Organisation, the World Trade Organisation, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. The ITUC also plays an essential role in coordinating assistance from worker organizations for trade unions defending fundamental rights in the most challenging circumstances.
Congress themes will include the status of employees in successive economic crises, defending democracy against growing authoritarianism in various parts of the world, and a fair transition towards a carbon-neutral economy. Discussions will also center on the themes of a new social contract: climate-friendly jobs, workers’ rights, just wages, social protection, equality and inclusion.
The ITUC Congress will be held from 17th to 22nd November 2022.
The upcoming Congress will elect a new General Council and General Secretary for the ITUC. The Histadrut is represented by Moshe Friedman as vice president and Avital Shapira, who currently serves on the General Council of the ITUC.