Histadrut Chairman Visits Ashkelon Hospital -Treating 800 Under Missile Attack.

Adi Marcus
Oct 18, 2023

In a show of solidarity and support, Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David and his team visited Ashkelon, a city deeply affected by the ongoing war. The Histadrut delegation sought to understand the challenges faced by its residents and the ongoing efforts of local authorities, aid forces, and medical teams in responding to the crisis. In their meetings, they discuss how the Hisatadrut can support the efforts to address those challenges.

Rami Guetta, the Chairman of the Ashkelon region of the Histadrut, provided the visiting team with insights into the struggles faced by residents and the meticulous preparations made by the municipality’s personnel and the medical teams at Barzilai Hospital. Despite facing constant rocket attacks, this hospital has treated over 800 wounded individuals since the beginning of this indiscriminate round of terror.

The Histadrut leadership heard from the Director of Barzilai Hospital, Prof. Hezi Levy: “First of all I want to thank our amazing staff. From Saturday when the war broke out, I came and saw things here that I had never seen before. A multi-casualty incident was announced – and all this under rocket fire, one of which hit our hospital. The hospital has taken in more than 800 wounded since the beginning of the operation, and we treat them with dedication.”

Bar-David also visited the municipal council, where Mayor Tomer Glam shared insights into the city’s response to the state of emergency and terrorist attacks. “Ashkelon is a resilient city, managing crises expertly. It sets an example for proper conduct, both in everyday life and during emergencies.”

Bar-David reiterated to Mayor Glam that the Histadrut emergency hotline is available to residents, offering assistance in finding alternative housing for evacuees left homeless due to direct hits of missiles and offering psychological support to all people. He stated, “I stand ready to assist the city’s needs. I do not understand why the mayor should cry out [for governmental help] in a time of war. Government ministries must act and understand the magnitude of the hour and the plight of the citizens. I will work with all parties to help and promote the removal of the barriers that prevent the protection of homes. Wherever the government offices are not present or working, we meet the people of the local authorities. The local government employees and the heads of the cities, from Metula to Eilat, are real leaders who lead the citizens. I call on the government offices to wake up, start acting and care for the citizens.”

Bar-David also met with firefighters at the municipal fire station, acknowledging their courage and commitment. He remarked, “The state takes immense pride in your service, and the entire Histadrut stands behind you. Now is the time for all of us to unite and give our best for you and our country.”

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